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Professional, engaging, ready to use resources. PowerPoints, Worksheets, Crosswords I have a varied background working in both education and the corporate world. I've held management roles, teaching roles and entrepreneurial ventures. I've been involved in adult education for the past two decades. My teaching areas are computing and workplace communication skills. I also have my CELTA and have experience teaching English as a second language. I love creating resources for all of the above.




Professional, engaging, ready to use resources. PowerPoints, Worksheets, Crosswords I have a varied background working in both education and the corporate world. I've held management roles, teaching roles and entrepreneurial ventures. I've been involved in adult education for the past two decades. My teaching areas are computing and workplace communication skills. I also have my CELTA and have experience teaching English as a second language. I love creating resources for all of the above.
Cover Letter Template for Job Applications

Cover Letter Template for Job Applications

This template can be used when applying for jobs. It is set out in the correct format. It is a fill in activity for those seeking employment or practicing letter writing skills. Words that are in brackets should be replaced by your own specific situation. It is useful to encourage learners to research the company that they are applying to so that the letter shows that they have used their initiative.
Basic Excel Calculations for Beginners

Basic Excel Calculations for Beginners

This resource is for those that are new to Microsoft Excel and want to quickly learn and practice using calculations in Excel. The spreadsheet has a number of different sheets within it that have clear instructions and practice exercises to use for yourself or your learners to quickly master basic concepts. I have used this to teach students and workplace learners with much success. Covers addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on sheet 1. Sheet 2 has Autosum and subsequent sheets practice using these with common spreadsheets such as invoices and profit and loss scenarios. Simply give learners a copy of this spreadsheet and work through together or let them try by themselves. ** Leave a review for this resource and receive one free resource of your choice from my shop. Communications, Workplace, ESOL and Computing Resources
Presentation Check List and Planning Sheet

Presentation Check List and Planning Sheet

Use this when you or your class are planning to deliver a presentation. It contains all the steps required to ensure a successful outcome. You can use this as a group or individual activity. There are some helpful discussion points for groups. All items must be checked before students practice the presentation.
Marketing plan template for a small business and / or sole trader

Marketing plan template for a small business and / or sole trader

A marketing plan is an essential document for a business to have. This resource provides a template for you or your team to work through to put together a workable plan with key objectives and actions to take. It could also be used for a project based task for schools. "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." Benjamin Franklin. It has been provided in a pdf and word document so that you can type in and edit as required.
Leadership Skills Crossword Puzzle Digital and Print with Answers

Leadership Skills Crossword Puzzle Digital and Print with Answers

This crossword puzzle is just what you need for your students to get familiar with vocabulary around Leadership. There is no prep at all required if you use the digital pdf, or if you want to you can print it out. Great for starting or reviewing a session on Leadership Skills. It is provided in a pdf format this is both digital and printable. This means that students / learners can type directly into the pdf as soon as it is opened. Words: empathy vision initiative integrity collaboration communication resilience creativity decision-making goal-setting adaptability courage responsibility influence trust
Time Management Crack the Code Digital and Printable Activity

Time Management Crack the Code Digital and Printable Activity

Students love doing Crack the Code puzzles and this will help their vocabulary skills around Time Management as well. This is a no prep resource with the choice of either printing or sending it digitally for students to fill out. Answers are provided. It is provided in a pdf format this is both digital and printable. This means that students / learners can type directly into the pdf as soon as it is opened, or you can print out a copy for them. **Word Bank: ** Distraction Prioritise / Prioritize Procrastinate Interruption Timewaster Focus Proactive Multitask Important Goal Deadline Delegate If you have any questions about this resource please contact me at workplacetutorab@gmail.com.
Google Docs Shortcut Keys and Commands for increased productivity

Google Docs Shortcut Keys and Commands for increased productivity

Shortcut keys for Google docs to make your life easier. Provided in a Word document for editing and a PDF file. Use as handouts for students / learners to increase their efficiency when using Google to create documents. Shortcuts for following: Common Commands Text formatting Paragraph formatting Images and drawings Comments and footnotes Menus Text selection with keyboard Text selection with mouse Moving around your Document Table navigation Other tools and navigation
Goal Setting Crossword Digital and Printable

Goal Setting Crossword Digital and Printable

This crossword puzzle has vocabulary around SMART Goals and goal setting in general. Terms such as Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound are used. It is provided in a pdf format this is both digital and printable. This means that students / learners can type directly onto the pdf as soon as it is opened and save their results. It has a separate answer key, and a choice of the crossword with the word bank or without the word bank for differentiation. There are 12 Words.
ChapGPT - a beginners guide to using A1 Technology in the classroom and beyond

ChapGPT - a beginners guide to using A1 Technology in the classroom and beyond

Do you want to know what ChatGPT is and how to get started using it? It has the potential to revolutionize your teaching! This user-friendly guide will show you the basics of logging in and using OpenAI’s large language model. You’ll learn how to navigate the platform, create chatbots for personalized learning, and generate high-quality content in minutes. This beginner’s guide is perfect for teachers who want to explore the potential of AI in the classroom without feeling overwhelmed. With step-by-step instructions and clear explanations, you’ll be up and running with ChatGPT in no time. Start streamlining your workload and engaging your students today. Furthermore, if you are a TPT seller, there are many ways that you can utilise this tool to save you so much time with your marketing content. Formats : you will be provided with an editable PowerPoint presentation and a pdf.
Conflict Resolution Google Forms Quiz - Editable - No Prep

Conflict Resolution Google Forms Quiz - Editable - No Prep

Your students will enjoy the challenge of this fun and educational quiz on Conflict Resolution and Management. You will enjoy the fact that it is self marking and no prep at all! This Conflict Resolution Quiz contains 20 questions that are self marking. The questions are either multi-choice or True / False scenarios. It can be used as a revision after completing units on Conflict Management training, or as a stand alone resource to see how much your learners know about the topic. Questions relate to the following: Conflict Management Definition Conflict Management Styles Conflict Resolution Empathy Emotions Body Language (gestures, eye contact, posture) General best practice If you have any questions about this resource please contact me at workplacetutorab@gmail.com.
Giving Effective Instructions for workplace training and ESOL use.

Giving Effective Instructions for workplace training and ESOL use.

This resource covers tips for giving effective instructions in the workplace. It contains a 3 page worksheet that provides an example using sequencing words and activities for learners to carry out including a roleplay. It also has a warm up activity that asks learners to follow instructions to complete a test. It is a fun activity that always trips up learners. They inevitably do not read the first instruction carefully enough and end up doing extra work. The resource is provided in both pdf and word document format for editing if necessary. Suitable for ESOL and workplace communications workshops.
Training Proposal Template

Training Proposal Template

This resource has been set up to provide a framework to ensure that when writing a business training proposal all areas are covered. It is important to do this for clear communication, as well as to protect yourself and your business from loss if things don't go to plan. You can simply open this document and edit it to meet your requirements. There are standard clauses that can be used for copyright, or you can alter to suit your needs. The 13 section topics are listed below: 1. Background / Purpose 2. Training Needs Assessment 3. Course Content 4. Training Methods 5. Training Venue / Facilities 6. Dates and Times 7. Confidentiality 8. Return on Investment (ROI) 9. Training Costs / Investment 10. Copyright and Other Rights 11. Cancellation 12. Force Majeure 13. Acceptance of Proposal
Health and Safety Workplace Incident / Accident / Near Miss Lesson

Health and Safety Workplace Incident / Accident / Near Miss Lesson

This resource contains documents that are useful to use when teaching about workplace forms. They provide good examples with graphics of Accident and Hazard forms. Learners can enter in their workplace forms and also their specific workplace examples of accidents, incidents and hazards that could affect the safety of themselves and others in the workplace. The documents can be edited for specific company details. There is also a standard form that can be filled out as an activity for students.
Excel Pivot Table Exercise / Task

Excel Pivot Table Exercise / Task

This resource has been developed as a practice Exercise for learners who have been introduced to Pivot Tables in Excel. It is a practical task that can be undertaken in teams, pairs or individually. It includes a set of data that needs to be analysed. Learners are required to brainstorm questions that a Sales Manager would need to know about the transactional data. They then create pivot tables based on the questions. There is a second spreadsheet that contains 8 sample questions and pivot tables that relate to the questions. This activity has been well received in my classroom of adult learners. They become very engaged in the process and develop a better understanding of the use of pivot tables.
Health & Safety Vocabulary Bank with mix and match activity

Health & Safety Vocabulary Bank with mix and match activity

This document contains common words that are found in Health and Safety documentation in the workplace that everyone should be familiar with. On the first page the word is listed with a plain English definition to the right. The next two pages contain cut outs so that a mix and match activity can take place with learners. This is suitable for those with low levels of literacy and / or English as a second language learners. I have put this into practice and it has been very well received within the workplace. I split the class into groups and they have a competition to see who can finish first and / or get 100% accuracy. Leads to good discussions as well.
CV Templates

CV Templates

This resource contains two CV templates that you can fill in with your own information. The CV's are formatted and have space for you to type in your specific information. There are prompts to help you with this. They are standard CV's and it will generally be up to personal preference as to which one you will choose to use. It would be useful to have basic word skills to work with the documents. Delete any information not required by selecting and using the Delete key. Remember a hard page break is Ctrl Enter. Use this instead of just continually using the enter key as this can muck up formatting.
Lesson Starter / Warm up Health and Safety game - Keep me Safe - Kit me Up

Lesson Starter / Warm up Health and Safety game - Keep me Safe - Kit me Up

Do you need a fun and engaging resource that will get your students thinking about PPE and Health and Safety in general? This fits the bill! The objective of this game is to be the first player to be fully kitted up with the correct PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and ready to work. E.g. they have all the items written on their list that they need. Each player needs a sheet of paper and a pen to write their list of PPE – Personal Protective Equipment. The only other item needed is a dice. The resource contains a word document and a power point presentation to display the game instructions to the class. Alternatively, they could be written on whiteboard or printed out. This game is best played in small groups.
Group Feedback Activity - Delivering a Presentation

Group Feedback Activity - Delivering a Presentation

In this interactive activity you display the Powerpoint provided and learners review and take notes to identify areas of improvement. As the facilitator, you explain that Charlie Brown has just created a presentation and welcomes feedback before delivering to an audience. Tell students that they will be giving feedback at the end of the presentation. There job is to look at each slide and identify areas for improvement. Ask them to write notes as they go for feedback at the end of the presentation. This is an extremely useful activity that gets learners thinking about visual aspects of their own presentations. Each side has notes for the trainer to indicate the errors on the slide. I have used this with many learners. It is an effective activity and generates a lot of good discussion.
Finance Crossword Puzzle and Word Search Vocabulary

Finance Crossword Puzzle and Word Search Vocabulary

2 Resources
This is a Finance vocabulary Crossword Puzzle and Word Search that is suitable for introducing key words to learners. It is a fun activity to complete individually or in teams. Answers are included. Can be used for ESL, Workplace Training or general English. It is supplied as a pdf and a word document in case you want to edit the descriptions to suit your needs. There are 20 financial terms contained within the Word Search and Crossword Puzzle. The words are the same for each worksheet. Word bank below: Budget Finance Debt Surplus Net Income Tax Expenses Cash ATM Borrow Broke Bitcoin Currency Interest Invest Save Receipt Withdraw Tip Refund